Canadian Bamboo?

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Paul Ont
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Canadian Bamboo?

Post by Paul Ont »

I wonder if anyone knows how the import of bamboo into Canada works? I seem to have exhausted the supply from our native So, I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on the import of bamboo into Canada. I will, obviously, need to get a phyto certificate form the place of origin. I assume I'll also need an import permit. Are there any other hoops to jump through? Import fees? I know that we don't have to worry about the wait time that you in the US have to contend with.

Ah, if only these rarer bamboo were available up here I wouldn't have to worry! I wonder if I could drive down pick up some boo's, then convince the border agents that they are houseplants>>> You know take advantage of the 'loophole' in the laws...
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Re: Canadian Bamboo?

Post by Alan_L »

I think there are several members here from the Vancouver area -- they probably know all of the tricks, or maybe have some alternate sources for you.
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